(本賣場是售"麥克風" x 1條 )
●【品名】日本SONY索尼立體聲領夾麥克風ECM-CS3 Tie Clip Mic ,有線式,長1米 The Sony ECM-CS3 Tie Clip Microphone is a small, discreet omni-directional mic that can be used to pick up voices from all angles. It features a 360° rotating clip that attaches to a tie or clothing and remains nearly out-of-sight. Use it in combination with a digital voice recorder to capture business meetings, lectures and interviews. It can also work with your PC to make VoIP calls and for on ●全指向麥克風,高音質High-Quality Recording。 Small, discreet microphone with omni-directional pattern to pick up voices from all angles ●夾子可360度旋轉360° Rotating Clip Conveniently clips to your clothing for hands free recording with 360° rotation
●可夾在領帶和衣服上,讓麥克風很難被看見Compact Design。 Sophisticated, discreet and professional design for natural unobtrusive recording ●亦可作為錄音和網路電話使用Voice Capture / Use with PC 。 Pair with a digital voice recorder to capture business meetings, lectures and interviews Works with a PC or laptop to make VoIP calls and for on
●【注意事項】 ●保固3個月和七天內新品不良換貨。 ●請保持產品的包裝完整即無受損,若有受損,請恕不接受退換貨。